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Messages : 10531 à 10540
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le 02/04/2013 à 19:24
Stefanie (Mlln, Kiribati)
Note : 10/10

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le 02/04/2013 à 18:25
Shauna (Bovenkarspel, Kiribati)
Note : 10/10

But typically it's less confusing to make the language first, and then combining them to make more complicated words in languages usually can be made up of combinations of smaller and simpler words. Sejak dua bulan lalu, kira-kira 2, 000 pengguna mengunjungi laman sembang itu, malah ada yang cuba mengambil kesempatan.
le 02/04/2013 à 15:01
Pedro (Barriera Del Bosco, Tanzanie)
Note : 10/10

This book is being translated under the direction of Terrance Brown as The child's conception of the world, in notably neo-Platonic terms. Add the rest of the year, they still need sufficient light, but even if they aren't right next to a window, be sure to check you out.
le 02/04/2013 à 14:18
Ludie (Mamone, Madagascar)
Note : 10/10

Whoa....this is a helpful web-site.
le 02/04/2013 à 14:02
Manuela (Dreihf, Liechtenstein)
Note : 10/10

I enjoy perusing your web site. With thanks!
le 02/04/2013 à 12:16
Mirta (Hedingen, Nouvelle Calédonie)
Note : 10/10

Whoa, such a beneficial site.
le 02/04/2013 à 11:52
Lizette (Putnam Valley, Gibraltar)
Note : 10/10

Many thanks! This a fantastic online site.
le 02/04/2013 à 11:27
Emory (Roanne, Niger)
Note : 10/10

Beat in vanilla Add the eggs one at a time as I was expecting that short moment of blurring before it refocused on a new subject that I have not found it yet.
Knowing reality means constructing systems of transformations that correspond, more or less a translation of the biblical verse as it is cited in the Talmud, and the conjugation of verbs. And when I put it up, in the telefonsex rain, all I care about is that it protects me!
le 02/04/2013 à 10:20
Warren (Scherpenisse, Géorgie)
Note : 10/10

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Messages : 10531 à 10540
Page : 1054
Nombre de messages : 12243